Common FAQs


Do you require a deposit?

We don’t require a deposit from you. All we need is a swipe of a guarantee card such as a credit or debit card. This can be done face to face at the time of delivery. We won’t actually take any money from you until such time as the hire is complete.

Do you need to see any form of ID?

For new hires not already known to us we require two forms of ID. One photographic ID in the form of a driving licence, passport etc. The other a recent utility from the last three months with your proof of address. Once we have your ID on record, we will not need to see this for future hires.

What if I only want the machine for a few hours or half a day?

Of course, you can hire a machine for a few hours or half a day. We will have to charge you the full daily rate though.

What buckets will come with the machine?

Normally the mini diggers will come with a set of three buckets: a 12″ bucket, a 24″ bucket, and a 36″ bucket. If you require different sizes then please let me specify when ordering the machine.


Can I have my machinery delivered first thing?

We always do our very best to keep our customers happy. We only have limited first delivery slots available, and whilst we will always try to accommodate your needs it isn’t always possible to give everybody first slot options.

Can you collect and deliver at weekends?

We aim to be as flexible as possible and are open on Saturday mornings when some delivery and collections can be arranged depending on customer demand.

Why do you charge for delivery?

As much as we would like to provide free delivery this just isn’t possible, as often the vehicle will be carrying only the equipment that you have hired. In order to maintain low hire rates it is not possible to absorb the cost of delivery and collection.

We subsidise most of our transport, delivery, and collection, what we charge covers about 50% of fuel and nothing of the driver’s wages.


How hard are they to operate?

Instruction will be given on how to operate the machines on delivery and the majority of people soon pick up how to operate the machinery in a short space of time.

If your not familiar with their use we recommend practicing in an open area for about 30 minutes until you get the hang of it. Instructions are provided with the machines and you are always welcome to call us and ask for advice.

Do I need a licence to operate?

The law only requires that the owner of the property is content that you are a competent person to operate the machine. We don’t need to see a license.

What about fuel?

All of our machines come supplied with a full tank of diesel on delivery. You can choose to either refill the tank prior to collection, or we will fill it up with red diesel at a rate of $2 per litre inc VAT. You only pay for what you use.

Collections and End of Hire

What happens if I am not here when you collect the machine?

We will always try to work around your circumstances. Please leave the key in a safe place and let us know where you have left it. We will call you and confirm when we have collected the machine.

What happens if I damage the machine?

If it is light damage such as a scratch or a ding then we will more than likely let it pass. More serious damage will need to be paid for. We are not in the business of losing money, but at the same time, we certainly won’t try to take advantage of the situation. We will only charge you at cost for the parts replaced and for the hours taken to repair the machine. Invoices for what we have paid for any parts are available on request.

How clean does the machine need to be?

Providing that you have managed to get the worst of the dirt from the machine is all we ask. As long as you have made an effort then we are happy.